Ariste and family
My wife and I arrived to Canada as students (at the University of Ottawa) with our young son and currently live on Beausoleil Street. The Lowertown Community Resource Centre (LCRC) was my first welcoming [...]
My wife and I arrived to Canada as students (at the University of Ottawa) with our young son and currently live on Beausoleil Street. The Lowertown Community Resource Centre (LCRC) was my first welcoming [...]
I relocated to Ottawa in March 2018 as a single mom of 2 kids and expecting a third. While living in the emergency shelter in Lowertown I was introduced to the Lowertown Community Resource [...]
Hundreds of Ottawa families have no other choice but to live in motels. Please read about Cynthia, the mother of one of these families, and learn how the LCRC lends a hand. Imagine you are alone raising [...]
“In 2015, I very badly needed help with my kids. I had been sick and had stayed home with my kids for the past 6 years. I was looking for help and went to [...]
(Translated from French) «My name is Bomanga. I am a grandmother. My grandson Pongo arrived in Canada on May 6 2016 on a Friday. My grandson arrived here without his permanent residence having been [...]
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of support for the Lowertown Community Centre (LCRC) playgroup. I was on parental leave for three months last year with my daughter, Katia, who [...]
By Matthew Beutel, as appeared in the Lowertown ECHO newspaper Pascale de Courville Nicol, Community House Coordinator, setting things up modified distribution outside as per COVID-19 guidelines As is everybody these days, [...]
LCRC’S 11th Annual March Break Camp - 16 to 20 of March, 2020 (9am to 4pm) Open to Lowertown Residents ages 6 - 12 years old Camp location — YORK STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL 310 [...]
Do you live in Lowertown and need help with filing your taxes this year? Please contact Alain at 613-789-3930 x. 314
Des organismes communautaires d'Ottawa sont contraints de réduire leur offre de services ou de couper certaines activités en raison du non-renouvellement du Fonds ontarien d’action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs (FOACSL) imposé [...]